Steps for Volunteers to List Vendors on Hindu Worlds Digital Directory

  1. Gather Essential Information
    Collect the necessary details about the vendor. For shops or temples, you’ll need the owner's name, the name of the establishment, contact information, and address. For skilled laborers or priests, just the individual’s name, type of service (e.g., skilled labor, priest), contact details, and location will suffice.

  2. Document Operating Hours
    Note the vendor’s business hours, including any holidays or special operating times.

  3. Capture Clear Photos
    Take high-quality images of the vendor’s business:

    • For shops and temples: Three photos—one of the shop’s exterior, one of the interior, and one of the owner or manager.
    • For skilled laborers:
      • Two photos of the individual (front-facing and side view or similar).
      • One photo of the individual’s Aadhar card (ensure it’s masked, with only the last 4 digits visible).
      • For police verification: Upload the individual’s photo and Aadhar card photo in two separate places to fill the three required image upload fields. The photos will be replaced by the police verification certificate during the later stages of verification.
  4. Access the Listing Platform

    • Register as a volunteer on the Hindu Worlds Digital Directory website (
    • Log in with your credentials to begin listing the vendors.
  5. Fill Out the Listing Form

    • Input the gathered information into the appropriate fields in the listing form on the platform.
  6. Submit for Review

    • Once all the information and photos are uploaded, submit the listing for verification. The listing will be reviewed to ensure it’s accurate and compliant before it goes live.

By following these simple steps, you’ll help expand the directory and support underprivileged small vendors, skilled laborers, and temples. Remember to mask Aadhar card details for privacy and security before uploading them to the platform. Thank you for your contribution to building a stronger community!

To learn how to list vendors (shops, skilled labor, temples, and priests), visit the YouTube channel "Dharamsankat." For the English version, click the link or copy it into your search bar:  Alternatively, you can open the Dharamsankat channel and search for "Process to List Shop and Skilled Labor in Hindu Worlds Digital Directory."

For the Hindi version, click this link: or search on the Dharamsankat channel for "हिंदू वर्ल्ड डायरेक्टरी में दुकानोंकुशल श्रमिकोंमंदिर और पुजारी को सूचीबद्ध करने की प्रक्रिया